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"Natalia's energy is CONTAGIOUS. Her resourcefulness and enthusiasm for data is inspirational. It is clear that she is committed to the education of our country's teachers and the content those teachers bring to the classes they teach. I appreciate that she kept us on schedule, that she honored our time and that she engaged with each and every one of us over the course of the week”.

Feedback from the Teach-the-Teachers workshop participant at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis,  June 20-22, 20

“It inspired me even more about the importance of adding this "economic lens" to the teaching of 9th grade history because it is so important for students to start to use this type of analysis”.

– Andrew Gibson, History, Williamstown, MA

“The course provided me with a wealth of student-engaged activities to incorporate into my lessons to make studying and learning economics pain free”.

– Carolyn Ferguson, Business Educator, Mahway, NJ

“I saw great examples of different learning activities and a variety of assessments. These were ALL really helpful”.

– John McCormack – AP Statistics, Lee, MA

“The more in-depth parts of the lessons… expand(ed) my background knowledge so I will… be able to answer questions with confidence”.

– Heather Troiano, AP Government, Great Barrington, MA

“I know MUCH MUCH more about economics - given I never had ANY before! Thanks!”


Farina, Algebra II, Great Barrington, MA

“I now have access to sources that can be used in my classes and more importantly to an individual who have shown interest in helping me to be a better teacher of economics that I can ask questions”.

– Kerry Hartley, US Government, Canton, CT

“The interactive parts were most useful and relevant to me. It has given me a new lens in which to look at the world and teach its history”.

– John McComish, Middle School Social Studies, Dalton, MA

“I have many new and interesting ways to incorporate economics into my history lesson plans throughout the year”.

– Alex Kaufman, World History, Boston, MA

As a long time teacher I love all of the skills the students are having to lean into to create their pitches and all of the great communication skills being used and developed  Kids love projects that feel real and authentic and Natalia has set this class up so that very child is completely invested in what feels like a real life problem that needs solving. Natalia has also turned the problem solving over completely to the kids so they feel a lot of empowerment and ownership about their work. This is not only a great SOAR class but is a wonderful example of highly effective teaching at its best.

– Linda Sloane, SOAR Director. ​Fall 2018      

This class has been hands down the best SOAR class any of my three kids have ever done. (And a) they've done some really good ones in the past and b) this is from someone who taught her own SOAR class for two years!) Orla has absolutely loved it. She has been so engaged and enthused by the whole process and is so exited about her pitch. She has been working on it every day - with no interference from either parent (which has almost killed us!). She has learnt so much and gained skills which she'll use for a lifetime. As an ex-Board member and member of the program committee I can honestly say this is the kind of class we used to dream about having for the students.

– Pom Shillingford, parent

It was awesome and the kids loved it! I think it would be a great idea to continue and expand this if at all possible. This is really great stuff to introduce to kids at an early age and I wish I had a class like this at that age

– Barrett Prinz, parent

Thank you so much for the amazing work you did with the kids! I was so impressed with how you were able to inspire every student to create interesting ideas and well thought out business plans. And I have no idea how you were able to instill the confidence that each one of them had as they stood to present their ideas. Great work!!!

– Lisa Fenton, parent

Thank YOU for not only inviting me to participate in SOAR's Shark Tank program, but for being such a wonderful teacher to all the young participants. I was so impressed with how they used their math and English skills, but also their imaginations! I also found it very interesting how all participants were young girls. I feel it is very important for all of today's young women, to be able to express themselves, have their voices heard and to be encouraged to set goals in order to achieve their dreams and desires.

– Stephanie Pellegrino, Judge

In this class I learned:
What an entrepreneur is and what entrepreneurs do.
What an investor is.
What an income is.
What a revenue is.
What a profit is.
What you need to start a business.
How to determine how much your business is worth.
How to make a business plan.
How to invest.
How to present well.
I learned that it is a hard work being an entrepreneur.
It is fun to have other people – adults- being the Sharks

– 5 th and 6 th grade students of Salsibury Central School, Salisbury, CT

SOAR Shark Tank – Fall 2018Testimonials of Students

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